Dr. Claus Prodehl

  • Group: Staff


Journal Articles
Nachruf auf Werner Kaminski (1935 - 2017)
Bonjer, K.-P.; Fuchs, K.; Mechie, J.; Prodehl, C.; Ritter, J. R. R.; et al.
2017. Mitteilungen, (2), 45–47 
50 Years Geophysical Institute Karlsruhe, 1964 to 2014 - Expectations and Surprises
Bohlen, T.; Bonjer, K.-P.; Forbriger, T.; Fuchs, K.; Prodehl, C.; et al.
2014. (C. Prodehl, Ed.), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Book Chapters
The lithosphere of the Earth and controlled-source seismology - a personal challenge for students, technicians and scientists
Prodehl, C.
2014. 50 Years Geophysical Institute Karlsruhe, 1964 to 2014 - Expectations and Surprises. Ed.: C. Prodehl, 119–227, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) 
The people of the Geophysical Institute of the University of Karlruhe / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Prodehl, C.; Bonjer, K.-P.
2014. 50 Years Geophysical Institute Karlsruhe, 1964 to 2014 - Expectations and Surprises. Ed.: C. Prodehl, 45–64, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) 
Journal Articles
Structure and evolution of the lithosphere beneath the Rocky Mountains: initial results from the CD-ROM experiment
Bowring, S. A.; Prodehl, C.; Rumpel, H.-M.; et al.
2002. Geological Society of America today, 12 (3), 4–10 
Seismic experiments target earthquake-prone region in Romania
Hauser, F.; Prodehl, C.; Landes, M.
2002. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 83 (41), 457–463 
Book Chapters
Seismic velocity structure of the continental lithosphere from controlled source data
Mooney, W.; Prodehl, C.; Pavlenkova, N. I.
2002. In: International handbook of earthquake and engineering seismology. Ed.: W. Lee. Pt. A. Amsterdam 2002. S. 887-910 
Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Constraints on distribution and exhumation mechanisms of high-pressure rocks from geophysical studies - the Saxothuringian case between the Bray Fault and Elbe Line
Krawczyk, C. M.; Stein, E.; Choi, S.; Oettinger, G.; Prodehl, C.; et al.
2001. In: Orogenic processes: quantification and modelling in the Variscan belt. Ed.: W. Franke. London 2000. S. 303-322. (Special publication. Geological Society London. 179.) 
Journal Articles
EUROPROBE PanCarDi project: the seismic-refraction project VRANCEA-99
Prodehl, C.; Raileanu, V.; Hauser, F.; Bala, A.; Rumpel, H.-M.; et al.
2000. EUROPROBE news 13 (2000) S. 15-18 
Varnet-96: influence of the Variscan and Caledonian orogenies on crustal structure in SW Ireland
Landes, M.; Prodehl, C.; Hauser, F.; Jacob, A. W. B.; Vermeulen, N. J.
2000. Geophys. j. int. 140 (2000) S. 660-676 
Crustal velocity structure across the Tornquist and Iapetus suturezones - a comparison based on MONA LISA and VARNET data
Abramovitz, T.; Landes, M.; Thybo, H.; Jacob, B.; Prodehl, C.
2000. Tectonophysics 314 (1999) S. 69-82 
Book Chapters
Lithospheric structure of the Kenya Rift as revealed by wide-angle seismic measurements
Khan, M. A.; Mechie, J.; Birt, C.; Byrne, G.; Prodehl, C.; et al.
1999. In: Continental tectonics. Ed.: C. MacNiocaill. London 1999. S. 257-269. (Special publication. Geological Society, London. 164.) 
Journal Articles
A wide-angle seismic traverse through the Variscan of SW Ireland
Masson, F.; Jacob, A. W. B.; Prodehl, C.; Readman, P. W.; Shannon, P. M.; et al.
1998. Geophys. j. int. 134 (1998) S. 689-705 
The refraction seismic experiment GRANU95 in the Saxothuringian belt, southeastern Germany
Enderle, U.; Schuster, K.; Prodehl, C.; Schulze, A.; Bribach, J.
1998. Geophys. j. int. 133 (1998) S. 245-259 
Journal Articles
The KRISP 94 lithospheric investigation of southern Kenya - the experiments and their main results
Prodehl, C.; Ritter, J. R. R.; Mechie, J.; Keller, G. R.; Khan, M. A.; et al.
1997. Tectonophysics, 278 (1-4), 121–147. doi:10.1016/S0040-1951(97)00098-X
Book Chapters
The lithosphere beneath the Afro-Arabian rift system
Prodehl, C.; Fuchs, K.; Mechie, J.
1997. In: Structure and dynamic processes in the lithosphere of the Afro-Arabian rift system. Ed.: K. Fuchs. Amsterdam 1997. S. 1-13. (Tectonophysics. 278,1/4.) 
Scales of structure in the lithosphere - images of processes
Enderle, U.; Tittgemeyer, M.; Itzin, M.; Prodehl, C.; Fuchs, K.
1997. In: Stress and stress release in the lithosphere. Ed.: K. Fuchs. Amsterdam 1997. S. 165-198. (Tectonophysics. 275,1/3.) 
Refraction seismic investigations of the northern Massif Central (France)
Zeyen, H.; Novak, O.; Landes, M.; Prodehl, C.; Driad, L.; et al.
1997. In: Stress and stress release in the lithosphere. Ed.: K. Fuchs. Amsterdam 1997. S. 99-118. (Tectonophysics. 275,1/3.) 
The deep crust of the Southern Rhine Graben: reflectivity and seismicity as images of dynamic processes
Mayer, G.; Mai, P. M.; Plenefisch, T.; Echtler, H.; Prodehl, C.; et al.
1997. In: Stress and stress release in the lithosphere. Ed.: K. Fuchs. Amsterdam 1997. S. 15-40. (Tectonophysics. 275,1/3.) 
A model for structure, composition and evolution of the Kenya rift
Mechie, J.; Prodehl, C.; Keller, G. R.; Khan, M. A.; Achauer, U.; et al.
1997. In: Structure and dynamic processes in the lithosphere of the Afro-Arabian rift system. Ed.: K. Fuchs. Amsterdam 1997. S. 95-119. (Tectonophysics. 278,1/4.) 
Crustal structure of the southeastern flank of the Kenya rift as deduced from wide-angle P-wave data
Novak, O.; Prodehl, C.; Jacob, B.; Okoth, W.
1997. In: Structure and dynamic processes in the lithosphere of the Afro-Arabian rift system. Ed.: K. Fuchs. Amsterdam 1997. S. 171-186. (Tectonophysics. 278,1/4.) 
The structure of the Kenya rift from wide-angle seismic measurements
Mechie, J.; Novak, O.; Prodehl, C.; et al.
1997. In: Proceedings of the Geological Society of Africa 1995 Meeting. Ed.: I.O. Nyambok. 1996 
Conference Papers
Deep structure of the Chyulu Hills, SE-Kenya: results of KRISP
Novak, O.; Jacob, A. W. B.; Ritter, J. R. R.; Prodehl, C.
1996. Proceedings of the XX General Assembly European Geophysical Society (EGS), 1995, Hamburg, Germany, 54 
Book Chapters
Seismic techniques
Braile, L. W.; Keller, G. R.; Mueller, S.; Prodehl, C.
1996. In: Continental rifts: evolution, structure, tectonics. Ed.: K.H. Olsen. Amsterdam 1995. S. 61-92. (Developments in geotectonics. 25.) (Publication of the International Lithosphere Program. 264.) 
The European Cenozoic rift system
Prodehl, C.; Mueller, S.; Haak, V.
1996. In: Continental rifts: evolution, structure, tectonics. Ed.: K.H. Olsen. Amsterdam 1995. S. 133-212. (Developments in geotectonics. 25.) (Publication of the International Lithosphere Program. 264.) 
The East African rift system
Braile, L. W.; Keller, G. R.; Prodehl, C.; Wendlandt, R. F.; Morgan, P.; et al.
1996. In: Continental rifts: evolution, structure, tectonics. Ed.: K.H. Olsen. Amsterdam 1995. S. 213-232. (Developments in geotectonics. 25.) (Publication of the International Lithosphere Program. 264.) 
Journal Articles
Chyulu Hills volcanic field, SE-Kenya: results from KRISP multidisciplinary experiments
Novak, O.; Jacob, A. W. B.; Ritter, J. R. R.; Prodehl, C.
1995. Eos : Transactions, 76 (46), 588 
Journal Articles
The East African rift system in the light of KRISP 90
Keller, G. R.; Prodehl, C.; Mechie, J.; Fuchs, K.; et al.
1994. Tectonophys. 236 (1994) S. 465-483 
Crustal structure on the northeastern flank of the Kenya Rift
Prodehl, C.; Jacob, A. W. B.; Thybo, H.; Dindi, E.; Stangl, R.
1994. Tectonophys. 236 (1994) S. 271-290 
Seismic structure of the uppermost mantle beneath the Kenya Rift
Keller, G. R.; Mechie, J.; Braile, L. W.; Mooney, W. D.; Prodehl, C.
1994. Tectonophys. 236 (1994) S. 201-216 
The KRISP 90 seismic experiment - a technical review
Prodehl, C.; Mechie, J.; Achauer, U.; Keller, G. R.; Khan, M. A.; et al.
1994. Tectonophys. 236 (1994) S. 33-60 
Crustal structure beneath the Kenya Rift from axial profile data
Mechie, J.; Keller, R.; Prodehl, C.; Gaciri, S.; Braile, L.; et al.
1994. Tectonophys. 236 (1994) S. 179-200 
Journal Articles
Lithospheric cross sections of the European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS)
Prodehl, C.; Mueller, S.; Glahn, A.; Gutscher, M. A.; Haak, V.
1992. Tectonophys. 208 (1992) S. 113-138 
Journal Articles
P-wave sections on a relalistic anisotropic lithosphere
Jacob, B.; Bean, C.; Nolte, B.; Prodehl, C.
1991. Geophs. j. int. 107 (1991) S. 709-714 
A comparative study of the Rio Grande and Kenya rifts
Keller, R.; Khan, A.; Morgan, P.; Wendlandt, R. F.; Prodehl, C.; et al.
1991. Tectonophys. 197 (1991) S. 355-376 
Book Chapters
Seismic investigations around the EGT in Central Europe
Prodehl, C.; Giese, P.
1991. In: The European Geotraverse: Integrative studies - results from the 5th Earth Science Study Center, Strasbourg 1990. Hrsg.: R. Freeman. S. 77-97 
EGT central segment refraction seismics
Aichroth, B.; Prodehl, C.
1991. In: Proceedings of the 6th EGT Workshop "Data Compilation and Synoptic Interpretation", Strasbourg 1990. Hrsg.: R. Freeman. S. 105-127 
Journal Articles
Crustal structure of southern Germany from seismic-refraction data
Zeis, S.; Gajewski, D.; Prodehl, C.
1990. Tectonophys. 176 (1990) S. 59-86 
A seismic investigation of the Kenya rift valley
Henry, W. J.; Mechie, J.; Maguire, P. L. H.; Khan, M. A.; Prodehl, C.; et al.
1990. Geophys. j. int. 100 (1990) S. 107-130 
Book Chapters
The structure of the crust in Fennoscandia derived from a joint interpretation of P- and S-wave data of the Fennolora refraction seismic profile
Stangl, R.; Hauser, F.; Fuchs, K.; Prodehl, C.
1990. In: SFB 108 "Spannung und Spannungsumwandlung in der Lithosphaere", Universitaet Karlsruhe. Berichtsband fuer die Jahre 1987-1989. Karlsruhe 1989. S. 411-451 
Progress report on seismic and modelling studies of the Afro-Arabian rift system
Mechie, J.; Prodehl, C.; Ricke, M.
1990. In: SFB 108 "Spannung und Spannungsumwandlung in der Lithosphaere", Universitaet Karlsruhe. Berichtsband fuer die Jahre 1987-1989. Karlsruhe 1989. S. 1059-1110 
A seismic refraction study of the crustal structure of the South Kenya rift
Henry, W.; Mechie, J.; Maquire, P. K. H.; Patel, J.; Prodehl, C.; et al.
1990. In: Properties and processes of earth’s lower crust. Ed.: R.F. Mereu. Washington, DC 1989. S. 169-172. (Geophysical monograph series. 51.) (IUGG series. 6.) 
Journal Articles
A crustal seismic refraction line along the axis of the South Kenya Rift
Khan, M. A.; Maguire, P. K. A.; Henry, W.; Highham, M.; Prodehl, C.; et al.
1989. J. of African sci. 8 (1989) S. 455-460 
Large tectonic and lithospheric structures of the Red Sea region
Bayer, H.-J.; El-Isa, Z.; Hoetzl, H.; Mechie, J.; Prodehl, C.; et al.
1989. J. of African earth sci. 8 (1989) S. 565-587 
Book Chapters
Crustal structure of the Rocky Mountain region
Prodehl, C.; Lipman, P. W.
1989. In: Geophysical framework of the continental United States. Ed.: L.C. Pakiser. 1989. S. 249-284. (Memoir. Geological Society of America. 172.)