Dr. Ellen Gottschämmer
- Department Manager
- Room: 121
CS 10.91 - Phone: +49 721 608-45183
- ellen gottschaemmer ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. Ellen Gottschämmer was a senior lecturer and researcher at the Geophysical Institute (GPI) until April 2022. She now works at the department of Mechanical Engineering at KIT.
Ellen developed innovative teaching formats and conducted lectures which directly incorporated current research topics, often carried out at remote locations outside the classroom. Student counseling, study program development, module coordination and accreditation were part of her duties. Furthermore she was Head of the Geophysics school lab, which she founded in 2012.
Ellen’s research was conducted in the framework of the Seismology and Natural Hazards group.
- Volcano Seismology
- Earthquake Seismology
- Modelling and analysis of seismic waves
- Seismic hazard
- Faculty Council
- Working Committee for Academic Studies in Geophysics
Examination Committee
Study Committee
- Admission Committee, Master Program Geophysics at KIT
- Executive Board of the German Geophysical Society (Advisory Council)
- Head of Committee for Academic Studies, German Geophysical Society
- Introduction in Geophysics I/II
- Geological Hazards and Risk
- Geophysical Excursions
- Geophysical field exercises
- Geophysical laboratory exercises
- Geophysical advanced practical course
- In-Situ: The Black Forest Observatory in Schiltach
- In-Situ: Eifel Seismology and Volcanology Course
- In-Situ: Geophysical Assessment and Hazard of Mediterranean Volcanoes
- In-Situ: Geophysical deep exploration of volcanoes using the example of the Vogelsberg
- In-Situ: Historical seismology for hazard assessment
- In-Situ: Induced Seismicity
- In-Situ: Physics of the Lithosphere
- In-Situ: Near-surface geophysical exploration of raw materials
- In-Situ: Seismic Hazard Assessment in the Apennines
- In-Situ: Summer School Seismology and Geohazards, Indonesia
- Measurement methods of physical volcanology
- Seminar on current issues in risk research
Physical Methods in Volcano Seismology
International Workshops in cooperation with ITB, Bandung (Indonesia)
Introduction to Volcanology
Gottschämmer, E.; Rohnacher, A.; Carter, W.; Nüsse, A.; Drach, K.; et al.
2021. Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, 411, Art.-Nr.: 107154. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.107154
Carter, W.; Rietbrock, A.; Lavallée, Y.; Gottschämmer, E.; Moreno, A. D.; et al.
2020. Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, 398, Art. Nr.: 106891. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.106891
Gottschämmer, E.; Nüsse, A.; Rohnacher, A.; Drach, K.; Carter, W.; et al.
2019. Physics of Volcanoes 2019, Mendig, 27 Februar - 2 März 2019, Book of Abstracts: Physik der Vulkane 2019 - Physics of Volcanoes 2019 - PoV. Ed.: H. Pfanz, 27, Scientific committee
Rohnacher, A.; Gottschämmer, E.; Carter, W.; Pineda, A.; De Angelis, S.; et al.
2019. Physics of Volcanoes 2019, Mendig, 27 Februar - 2 März 2019, Book of Abstracts: Physik der Vulkane 2019 - Physics of Volcanoes 2019 - PoV. Ed.: H. Pfanz, 40–41, Scientific committee
Drach, K.; Gottschämmer, E.; Rietbrock, A.
2019. Physics of Volcanoes 2019, Mendig, 27 Februar - 2 März 2019, Book of Abstracts: Physik der Vulkane 2019 - Physics of Volcanoes 2019 - PoV. Ed.: H. Pfanz, 24, Scientific committee
Angelis, S. D.; Rietbrock, A.; Lavallee, Y.; Carter, W.; Gottschämmer, E.; et al.
2019. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2019, 4782–4785, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG). doi:10.1190/segam2019-3215154.1
Forbriger, T.; Gottschämmer, E.; Bohlen, T.
2019. Mitteilungen Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft, (2), 51–55
Lamb, O. D.; Lamur, A.; Díaz-Moreno, A.; De Angelis, S.; Gottschämmer, E.; et al.
2019. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6. doi:10.3389/feart.2018.00253
Gottschämmer, E.; Pontius, M.; Busch, N.; Bohlen, T.
2017. Plus lucis, (3), 12–17
Gottschämmer, E.; Heck, A.; Schneider, N.; Bergmann, A.; Bohlen, T.
2017. Plus lucis, (3), 23–29
Leder, J.; Wenzel, F.; Daniell, J. E.; Gottschämmer, E.
2017. Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, 337, 111–123. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2017.02.019
Ritter, J. R. R.; Gottschämmer, E.
2015. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 11 (1), 128–140
Bohlen, T.; Bonjer, K.-P.; Forbriger, T.; Fuchs, K.; Gottschämmer, E.; et al.
2014. (C. Prodehl, Ed.), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Gottschämmer, E.; Bohlen, T.; Forbriger, T.; Knopf, P.; Ritter, J.; et al.
2014. 50 Years Geophysical Institute Karlsruhe, 1964 to 2014 - Expectations and Surprises. Ed.: C. Prodehl, 321–332, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Barth, A.; Gottschämmer, E.; Kurzmann, A.
2013. Mitteilungen / Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft, (3), 40–42
Oth, A.; Wenzel, F.; Gottschämmer, E.; Ben-Avraham, Z.; Wust-Bloch, H.
2007. Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH), 164 (1), 23–37
Gottschämmer, E.; Wenzel, F.; Wust-Bloch, G. H.; Ben-Avraham, Z.
2005. Perspectives in Modern Seismology. Ed.: F. Wenzel, 31–45, Springer-Verlag
Gottschämmer, E.; Wenzel, F.; Wust-Bloch, H.; Ben-Avraham, Z.
2005. Perspectives in Modern Seismology. Ed.: F. Wenzel, 33–48, Springer-Verlag
Gottschaemmer, E.; Wenzel, F.; Wust-Boch, H.; Ben-Avraham, Z.
2002. Geophysical research letters, 29 (12), 8–1
Gottschaemmer, E.
2002. Göttingen 2002. Fak. f. Physik, Diss. v. 19.7.2002., Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Gottschaemmer, E.; Olsen, K. B.
2001. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 91 (3), 617–623
Gottschaemmer, E.; Surono, l.
2000. J. of volcanol. and geothermal res. 101 (2000) H. 1/2 S. 199-209
Gottschaemmer, E.; Wenzel, F.
1999. In: Tagungsband. Symposium Naturkatastrophen in Mittelgebirgsregionen, Karlsruhe 1999. S. 45-47
Gottschaemmer, E.
1999. In: Physics of volcanic phenomena and eruption precursors. Ed.: G. De Natale. 1999. S. 465-481. (Annali di geofisica. 42,3.)